Our KS2 Maya Workshops can be held entirely within classrooms. We arrive with two specialists, who will lead themed sessions for up to 2 classes. If working with three or more classes, we provide an activity for staff to lead which children and staff cycle through so that they experience all of the activities we offer during the day. Our exciting and innovative VR and AR (virtual and augmented reality) sessions are always very popular. Using the latest technology, children explore the world of The Maya. Working with a partner, children will visit important Maya sites such as Tikal, Palenque, Uxmal and Chichen Itza, as well as be able to 'swim' in a cenote, walk through a Mesoamerican rainforest and see howler monkeys or the sacred jaguar as an AR model all in one day trip!
Virtual Reality Maya Activities
Maya activities included:
Visit Maya sites using Virtual Reality!
Learn one of the first number systems to play a Maya game.
Children will be able to wear authentic Maya costumes - a loin cloth and headdress and corte, huipil with faja.
Maya Artefact handling investigating authentic artefacts as well as realistic replicas. Work like an archaeologist investigating the origins and uses of the artefacts, including a facsimile codex.
Maya Calendars and finding your Nahual name, creating your symbol.
Write your name in Mayan glyphs, using a syllabary and authentic ink with feather quill pens.
The process of backstrap weaving, have a go at weaving your own colourful basket. Also make a worry doll to take home.
Widget Workshop's Maya visit for primary schools, a fabulous day trip to Central America!